Light of Dark Ministry

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Discover the lies of false religions and equip your mind for defending truth.

Are Jehovah’s Witnesses a Cult?

Unfortunately yes. They are world-wide religion but also a high-control group. This organization is not to be taken lightly, they are one of the more dangerous cults in the world. If you are a member, please test the religion’s claims and come a reasonable conclusion based on the evidence.

I’m a PIMO, what do I do now?

Keep calm, and evaluate your options. Each situation is different, and you need to think long and hard about what your next move will be. I recommend “fading” however for mental health or spiritual reasons some may want to leave asap. Those who have children or a spouse in the religion might be want to longer for a while, but don’t linger as it will effect you more than you think.

My Family are Witnesses, how do I get them out?

Our content can help open their minds, but there is no guarantee. There isn’t quick fix, and plan to play the long game. The best you can do is ask questions, and give the appearance of having an open mind. Don’t hate them, love them, they are victims.

Why do you mostly cover Jehovah’s Witnesses

We are expanding, however this is a group close to my heart

What is your mission?

Our mission is help all people no matter what stage of life you’re in. We aim to correct the lies people have been fed, and explain the truth in an easy to understand way, using logic and humor. The one truth we want to communicate, hope is real, and Jesus still rose from the dead. The high control group you were apart of doesn’t change that.

How can we support you?

We are here to help! If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to reach out